After the triple win I had Rs. 75,000 in my account, Rs. 25,000 that I had won and Rs. 50,000 that Sarala had won. She was such a great girl that she valued my dream of building a pet store and as a token of love and as her first gift to me she had donated me the entire price money she had won.
I took the first step of sticking on to my dream after getting unconditional support from Sarala, and my family members. Days rolled and we began preparations to setup our first dog store in the town that caters to all the needs of popular and unpopular breeds of dogs in the town. Lot of knowledge in the domain was required to make our dog store unique, easily accessible and the goods reasonably priced.
Starting with the study of current stores in the market, we did a lot of research and analysis to understand the needs of dogs, and dog lovers and best ways to address those needs. We consulted few researchers in nearby universities to understand various breeds of dogs and the demand for particular breed, the events that promote the the sales of dogs, trends of different goods that various dog owners wish to buy, the needs that cannot be fulfilled by the current dog stores etc,
We also conducted a survey in the town with about 3,000 dog owners being inquired about their daily, seasonal, and special needs for their lovely dogs. And of course internet was one of the major sources for our researches. We studies various blogs from across the world. We put polls on facebook to get feedback from real people. We tweeted to understand the positive and negative sentiments of people towards certain breed of dogs. We also followed many people on facebook, twitter, and pintrest who were sharing dog related posts.
It took us 3 months of continuous efforts to arrive at the information that we needed to setup our first dog store. In the meantime, people from the internet and people in the town who liked our idea of this new useful dog store had donated us a good sum of money. Now we had Rs. 3.5Lakhs of money in our account. Also, my father had assured me of complete support for setting it up. So, at the end of 3 months of our efforts, we were good to go ahead with leasing a 20 x 20 dog store at a major corner in the town market.
In a week's time we got the store ready with all the best and economical products from around the country to cater to the needs of the dogs in our town. Thanks to eCommerce websites for reducing our efforts in getting certain important products. For the store inauguration, we invited all the participants of the pet show of which we were the winners. To our surprise, they did not just come to wish us but also they promised us of their support in any form and also to promote the store which they felt was one of the best ideas of current times. Like this, we got free advertisements; wow, looks like all that is happening with me is a great happy dream, but it was indeed dream come true.
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